Excalibur electronic MP3 Player 383 2 User Manual

Double Screen  
Talking Golf  
Model No. 383-2  
Start/Swing/Shot button once to start  
your shot. Press this button again when  
you think that you have hit the ball with  
the right amount of force. Use the table  
below to help determine your stroke.  
in the back of the unit. Use a pointed  
instrument to press the button to reset the  
game in case it malfunctions.  
Playing Double Screen Talking Golf  
Game Description  
the eighteenth hole is the winner!  
Your Double Screen Talking Golf con-  
tains two LCD screens, one that shows  
the entire hole layout from an overhead  
view and the other that shows the hole  
from the golfer’s point of view from the  
ball location. The course contains the  
standard 18 holes, ranging from short par  
3s to long par 5s. The golfer can select  
from 13 different clubs to play the course.  
The layout will challenge the golfer as he  
hits up and down hills, around trees and  
over a river and other water hazards.  
Functions of the Buttons  
Club Function  
ON/MODE: Press this button to turn on  
the computer. The default is set to  
Practice mode for one player. Press the  
button again to select one-player  
Tournament or two-player Skins mode.  
When the computer is turned off or turns  
itself off to conserve the batteries, press  
this button again to restart the unit, and  
you will return to the mode that you last  
The game provides a club automatically  
for you according to your distance to the  
hole. The distance range of a club, the  
usual distance the club will provide you,  
and the distance shown by each stroke  
power bar are as follows:  
In Hint Mode, club selection is automatic  
(although you can override it by pressing  
Club) and the Suggested Stroke Power  
Indicator (shown as a bar on the right side  
of the display) is on. When not in Hint  
Mode, the 1W club will be automatically  
selected unless you’re on the green, in  
which case the PT will be selected. So  
you must be careful to choose your prop-  
er club!  
bar unit  
in yards  
in yards  
in yards  
OFF: Press to turn the unit off.  
Special Note: You can make the game  
easier or more difficult by choosing to  
play with or without Hint Mode. (See  
“HOLE/PLAYER” under “Functions of  
the Buttons.”)  
START/SWING/SHOT: After the game  
mode and number of players have been  
selected, press this button to confirm the  
mode and start the game. Pressing the  
Hole/Player button at this point will turn  
Hint Mode on or off.  
SOUND: Press to turn sound on or off.  
CHECK: Press to check the stroke, the  
score (in Practice and Tournament  
modes) and the amount of money won (in  
Skins mode).  
The goal of the game is to make par 72  
while playing the course, or even go  
under par to play like a pro! The game  
consists of three different modes of play:  
HOLE/PLAYER: In Practice mode, press  
to select which hole you would like to  
begin play at. In Tournament mode, press  
to play a two-player game. Pressing this  
button again will select the one-player  
CLUB: The player can choose one of 13  
clubs provided by the computer. The  
computer will automatically select the  
club for you that it believes is the correct  
club for the yardage. Press the Club but-  
ton if you would like a different club  
instead. The distance the club can hit the  
ball is listed in the Distance display.  
Practice—Start the game from any hole  
of your choice.  
Tournament—This is a one- or two-play-  
er game. Start the game from the first  
hole, and continue until you finish the  
eighteenth hole. Whoever scores the low-  
est on a hole gains the honors and tees off  
first from the next hole.  
Addtionally, before hitting any shot, the  
player can turn on or off Hint Mode. The  
game is easier in Hint Mode, when the  
Suggested Stroke Power Indicator is on.  
If the indicator is on, you should press the  
Start/Swing/Shot button once to start your  
shot. New bars will appear on the display,  
from left to right. When the new bar  
reaches the Suggested Stroke Power  
Indicator, press the Start/Swing/Shot but-  
ton again. The ball will be struck with the  
correct amount of force for the shot.  
“W” indicates a wood.  
“I” indicates an iron.  
DIRECTION: The game defaults to  
Straight as the ball direction. Pressing  
this button allows you to Hook your shot.  
Press again for a Slice, and one more  
press will reset the direction to Straight.  
PT (putter) is best for shots on the green.  
SW (sand wedge) is best for hitting out of  
sand traps and very short shots to the green.  
Skins—This is a two-player game. Again,  
start the match from the first hole. If one  
of the players wins the hole by making  
the least number of strokes, they bank  
$1,000! If the players each make the same  
score on a hole, then that $1,000 prize is  
carried over to the next hole. Whoever  
makes the most money after completing  
PW (pitching wedge) is best for shots on a  
slope and short shots to the green.  
The usual distance refers to the distance unaf-  
fected by the terrain and the wind direction.  
RESET: This button is in a recessed area  
Pressing HOLE/PLAYER before your shot  
turns Hint Mode on or off.  
If Stroke Power is off, press the  
goal is to get the ball into the hole with  
the least number of shots.  
Skins or Tournament modes, after the ini-  
tial shot, the player farther away from the  
green will shoot next. The player who is  
to shoot next will have his icon flash in  
the bottom left-hand corner of the display.  
2. A South wind (that is from the south,  
blowing in a northerly direction, toward  
the green) is displayed when the up arrow  
appears in the golfer’s point-of-view dis-  
play screen. An East wind is shown by the  
left arrow, a West wind by the right arrow  
and the North wind by the down arrow.  
6. When the ball is 10 yards or less from  
the hole, the ball is considered to be on  
the green. The only club available is the  
PT (putter) and the only direction you can  
hit the ball is Straight.  
3. The following describes Out of Bounds  
(OOB) shots:  
7. If playing in Hint Mode (see page 4),  
you should press the Start/Swing/Shot  
button once to start your shot. New bars  
will be displayed from left to right. When  
the new bar reaches the Suggested Stroke  
Power Indicator, you should press the  
Start/Swing/Shot button again. The ball  
will be struck with the correct amount of  
force for the shot.  
(A) When the hole you’re playing is over  
300 yards in length and contains sand  
traps, if you hit the ball 100 yards or more  
over the hole you will be OOB.  
(B) When the hole you’re playing is over  
300 yards in length and does not contain  
sand traps, if you hit the ball 50 yards or  
more over the hole you will be OOB.  
Overhead View (on left of unit)  
Golfer’s View (on right of unit)  
If you’ve decided to play with Hint Mode  
off, press the Start/Swing/Shot button  
once to start your shot. Press this button  
again when you think that you have hit  
the ball with the right amount of force.  
(C) When the hole you’re playing is under  
301 yards in length and contains sand  
traps, if you hit the ball 50 yards or more  
over the hole you will be OOB.  
Course Terrain  
Hook Straight  
1. The game consists of eight different  
terrains: Tee, Fairway, Rough, Bunker,  
Water, Up Slope, Down Slope and Green.  
(D) When the hole you’re playing is  
under 301 yards in length and does not  
contain sand traps, if you hit the ball 25  
yards or more over the hole you will be  
Windless-1 yard 0 yard -1 yard  
South -2 yard +4 yard -2 yard  
North -3 yard -4 yard -3 yard  
8. Before hitting your shot, you can press  
the Hole/Player button to turn on the Hint  
function. This will provide you with the  
computer’s advice of what club should be  
used for the shot and the force necessary  
to shoot the correct distance. If the Sound  
is on, when you press the Hole/Player  
button then a double beep indicates that  
the Hint function is on, while a single  
beep indicates that the Hint function is  
2. The shot distance is determined by the  
club selection and the terrain.  
-4 yard -3 yard 0 yard  
0 yard -3 yard -4 yard  
3. There are five different kinds of wind  
conditions in the game: North, South,  
East, West, and Windless. The wind direc-  
tion changes without changing the force  
of the wind every 30 seconds, which  
affects the shooting distance. The dis-  
tance is also related to the shot direction  
selected, either Hook, Straight or Slice.  
Only if the shot is over 20 yards can it be  
affected by the wind direction, and every  
20 yards will be affected be a factor of  
one. See the chart at the top of the next  
(E) Using a Hook to hit the ball beyond  
200 yards is OOB when an East wind is  
(F) Using a Slice to hit the ball beyond  
200 yards is OOB when a West wind is  
4. To sum up:  
Actual shot distance = usual distance -  
distance affected by terrain  
affected by wind direction.  
9. When the game is idle for 60 seconds,  
a bird sound will play. This will only hap-  
pen once for each hole.  
4. If your shot goes OOB or you hit the  
ball into the water, you will be penalized  
2 strokes.  
Game Rules  
1. The player always faces the green. The  
5. When you are in the 2-player game of  
How to Play (See diagrams on top of  
page 6.)  
er 2’s turn. After the initial shots, the  
player farthest from the green hits first.  
Whoever hits the least number of shots  
for a hole wins the hole and $1,000. If a  
tie occurs, the $1,000 is carried over to  
the next hole. The maximum amount a  
player can win is $18,000.  
Special Care & Handling  
1. Press the key On/Mode to select either  
the Practice, Tournament or Skins modes.  
• Avoid moisture and extreme  
• Clean using only a slightly  
damp cloth.  
2. The word ‘Practice’ displays if you  
chose that mode. Pressing the  
Hole/Player button will allow you to  
select any hole you would like to start on,  
1 through 18. After selecting your starting  
hole, press Start/Swing/Shot to confirm  
your selections and start the game. After  
finishing the hole, press Start/Swing/Shot  
to play the next hole or press the  
Hole/Player button to select a different  
• Do not use cleaners with  
chemical agents.  
• For best results, use between  
the temperatures of 39ºF and  
100ºF (4º C and 38º C).  
5. If the ball is hit and does not go into the  
hole, the following information will be  
displayed: Stroke (the number of strokes  
taken for this hole), XXXY (the distance  
you drove the ball), and To Hole XXXY  
(the distance to the hole). If the ball is hit  
and does go into the hole, the following  
information will be displayed: Stroke (the  
number of strokes taken for this hole),  
XXXY (the distance you drove the ball),  
To Hole XXXY (the distance to the hole)  
and Score XXX (the player’s score).  
Battery Information  
CAUTION: Batteries should be  
removed and replaced by adults  
dard or alkaline batteries.  
• Be sure to insert batteries with  
the correct polarities and  
always follow the toy and  
battery manufacturer’s  
3. The word ‘Tournament’ displays if you  
chose that mode. Pressing the  
Hole/Player button will allow you to  
select whether you want to play a one or  
two player game. Press Start/Swing/Shot  
to confirm your selections and start the  
game. You will play the course in turn  
from the first to the eighteenth hole.  
• Do not mix old and new  
Your unit requires 2 AAA bat-  
teries, not included.  
• Remove batteries and store  
them in a cool, dry place when  
not in use.  
Auto Power Off  
• Do not mix alkaline, standard  
(carbon zinc) or rechargeable  
(nickel-cadium) batteries.  
The game turns itself off after being idle  
for about 3 minutes. Press On to restart  
the game and return to where you left off.  
• Always remove old and dead  
batteries from the product.  
4. The word ‘Skins’ displays if you chose  
that mode. You will always be in the two  
player game. Press Start/Swing/Shot to  
confirm your selections and start the  
game. You will play the course in turn  
from the first to the eighteenth hole. The  
game begins with player 1, then it’s play-  
Self-checking Mode  
• Do not use rechargeable  
Press down the Start/Swing/Shot, Club  
and Direction buttons at the same time  
and then place a pointed instrument in the  
Reset hole in the back of the computer  
and press down. After releasing the  
The supply terminals are not to  
be short-circuited.  
• To avoid explosion or leakage,  
do not dispose of batteries in a  
fire or attempt to recharge stan  
Limited 90-Day Warranty  
on the duration of implied war-  
ranties and do not allow exclusion of  
incidental or consequential damages,  
so the above limitations and exclu-  
sions in these instances may not  
INC., warrants to the original con-  
sumer that its products are free from  
any electrical or mechanical defects  
for a period of 90 DAYS from the  
date of purchase. If any such defect  
is discovered within the warranty  
ICS, INC., will repair or replace the  
unit free of charge upon receipt of  
the unit, shipped postage prepaid  
and insured to the factory address  
shown at right.  
The only authorized service center  
in the United States is:  
Excalibur Electronics, Inc.  
13755 SW 119th Ave  
Miami, Florida 33186 U.S.A.  
Phone: 305.477.8080  
Fax: 305.477.9516  
The warranty covers normal con-  
sumer use and does not cover dam-  
age that occurs in shipment or failure  
that results from alterations, acci-  
dent, misuse, abuse, neglect, wear  
and tear, inadequate maintenance,  
commercial use, or unreasonable use  
of the unit. Removal of the top  
panel voids all warranties. This war-  
ranty does not cover cost of repairs  
made or attempted outside of the  
Ship the unit carefully packed,  
preferably in the original carton, and  
send it prepaid, and adequately  
insured. Include a letter, detailing  
the complaint and including your  
daytime telephone number, inside  
the shipping carton.  
Play games live at:  
If your warranty has expired and you  
want an estimated fee for service,  
write to the above address, specify-  
ing the model and the problem.  
Any applicable implied warranties,  
including warranties of mer-  
chantability and fitness, are hereby  
limited to 90 DAYS from the date of  
purchase. Consequential or inciden-  
tal damages resulting from a breach  
of any applicable express or implied  
warranties are hereby excluded.  
Some states do not allow limitations  
Excalibur Electronics, Inc.  
13755 SW 119th Ave  
Miami, Florida 33186 U.S.A.  
Phone: 305.477.8080  
Fax: 305.477.9516  
We make you think.  

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