Fundex Games Games 3840 User Manual

Welcome to the Bunco Party Pack  
The round begins with the scorekeeper ringing the bell. This  
player then rolls all four dice. If this is the first round, then for  
Get the gang together and get ready to play Bunco ! The every ‘1’ the player rolls, that player gains a point and rolls  
rollin’ fun dice game ! We have included invitations to make again. The same player continues to roll until her roll does  
your Bunco party officially fun !  
not contain the target number. She then passes the dice to  
the next player. The dice may continue to pass around the  
Bunco plays great with 12 players (games are always a table from player to player, until the round ends.  
good excuse to get your friends and family together). If you  
can’t find 11 friends to play with you, we have provided rules If a player does not roll the target number before the round  
for 2-11 players as well.  
ends (when someone reaches 21 pts), then that player  
scores 0 for that round.  
Don’t let the party stop...  
keep on playin’  
Bunco Bonus Points: The rare player who rolls a ‘True  
Bunco’, or four of a kind (of the current target number only!)  
Make some copies of our score sheets, or download them scores 21 automatically and the round is over. The winner of  
the round gets to ring the bell and gains control of  
the fuzzy die.  
Check out our great Bunco party recipes online at:  
More Extra Points: When you roll a four of kind that isn’t  
the target number – be relieved – you can still score extra  
points. Here is how it works:  
Or just share your best Bunco story. We would love to hear  
from you!  
Low Bunco: If the players are on Round Three, and a player  
Object of the Game: To be the player with the most points, rolls four 2s, then she scores what is called a Low Bunco,  
of course!  
because the number she rolled is lower in value than the  
target number. (four 1s could have also scored a Low Bunco)  
The Goods: 1 scorepad of Master Score Sheets, 6 score- The player who rolls a Low Bunco scores five points.  
pads of Round Tally Sheets, 6 pencils, 12 postcard invitations  
for your Bunco Party, 1 large fuzzy Bunco die, 4 each of red, High Bunco: Suppose our players are still on Round Three,  
pink, and cream dice in a fuzzy dice bag, the Bunco bell, and and another player rolls four 5s. This player scores a High  
official game instructions.  
Bunco and is awarded seven points.  
Setting the Scene for One Table Bunco  
Scoring your Points: Here is the best part – tallying up  
2 to 4 players: Gather up the players around one table. If 2 your score! On the Round Tally Sheet, place the initials  
or 3 are playing, each player can have her own color of dice of each player under the player‘s column and fill in which  
to roll. If four are playing, use only one set of dice and pass round you are playing. Every time a player scores a point,  
them from player to player.  
the scorekeeper records it on this sheet. Once a player  
reaches 21 points, the scorekeeper announces the win and  
Appoint the most honest person (you know who she is) to be the winning player for the round rings the bell.  
the scorekeeper. List all players’ names on the Master Score  
Sheet. Place the bell in the center of the table. Make sure On the Master Score Sheet, the scorekeeper records the  
everyone can reach it! The fuzzy die gets passed around results of the round. Wins are recorded as Ws, and the rest  
from player to player, throughout the game, whenever a of the results are recorded numerically. If any of the players  
Bunco is rolled. This is mainly just for fun or when playing for win a round with a Bunco, then a ‘B’ is written down beside  
prizes (see pg. 11)  
the ’W.’  
Game Play: During each round, all players are trying to roll The winner gets to ring the bell to start the next round.  
the same target number. For instance, in the first round, the Players keep playing until a full game has been played  
target number is ‘1’. In the second round the target number – which is 6 rounds.  
is ‘2’ and so on until the sixth round (the end of the game).  
at the second table. There are no teams, each of the players Moving Tables: At the end of each round, the losing players  
fend for themselves.  
at each table move, and the winners remain at their own  
Moving Tables: At the end of each round, both of the  
players from Table 2 move to Table 1, while the losing Tips for your Bunco party  
players at Table 1 move to Table 2. The winner from Table 1 A fun way to add fun to your party is to award small prizes in  
is the only player who doesn’t move.  
the following categories when the game is finished:  
Rules for 6: Four players sit at Table 1 and two sit at Table • Player with the most Buncos  
2. Table 1 plays in teams, while those at Table 2 play as • Player with the most Wins  
• The player who is holding the fuzzy die when the game ends  
• The player with an equal number of Wins and Losses  
Moving Tables: At the end of each round, the two members • The player with the most Losses  
from the losing team of table 1, move to Table 2 and play  
against each other. Both of the players from Table 2 move  
to Table 1.  
Rules for 7: Four players sit at Table 1 and three players sit  
at Table 2. Table 1 plays in teams, while those at Table 2 play  
as individuals.  
Rules for 8: Same as Party Bunco, except that there are only  
two tables instead of three. So you will have four teams.  
Moving Tables: The players move in the same manner as  
Party Bunco except there are only two tables.  
Rules for 9: Table 1 has four players playing in teams, Table  
2 has three players playing as individuals and Table 3 has  
two players playing as individuals.  
Moving Tables: At the end of each round, both players from  
Table 3 move to Table 1, the losing players at Table 1 move to  
Table 2 and the losing players from Table 2 move to Table 3.  
Rules for 10: Tables 1 and 2 have four players and play as  
teams, while the two remaining players at Table 3 play as  
Moving Tables: The players move in the same manner as  
the movement for 9 players.  
Rules for 11: Tables 1 and 2 play as teams and the three  
players at Table 3 play as individuals.  
©2003 Fundex Games, Ltd. • P.O. Box 421309 • Indianapolis, IN 46242 • Questions or comments? Write to us at the address above,  

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