Cisco Systems Computer Hardware OL 6109 01 User Manual

C H A P T E R  
Zone Configuration  
This chapter describes zone configuration. It includes the following major  
Basic Zone Configuration  
This section describes the initial Zone configuration procedures that relate to zone  
parameters such as: zone name, description, and zone IP address.  
It describes the following procedures:  
Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector User Guide  
Chapter 4 Zone Configuration  
Basic Zone Configuration  
If no zone template is specified, the zone will be defined using  
the Detector DEFAULT zone template.  
base-zone-name—(Optional) The name of a desired zone used as a  
template for the new zone.  
interactive—(Optional) The operation mode of the new zone is set to  
interactive (see the “Interactive Recommendations Mode” section for  
further details).  
Choosing Enter without specifying the zone template defines a zone  
by the Detector default zone template.  
2. Choose ENTER. Below is an example of the zone command implementation:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf# zone scannet  
Duplicating a Zone  
The user may duplicate a desired zone and define a new, identically- configured,  
To duplicate a zone from the Configuration command group level perform the  
1. From the Configuration command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf# zone <new-zone-name> copy-from  
new-zone-name—A zone name string. An alphanumeric string should  
start with a letter, hold no spaces, and should be limited to a length of up  
to 63 characters. The string may contain underscores.  
base-zone-name—The name of a desired zone used as a template for the  
new zone.  
Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector User Guide  
Chapter 4 Zone Configuration  
Basic Zone Configuration  
2. Choose ENTER. The following prompt appears:  
To duplicate a zone from the zone command group level perform the following:  
1. From the Zone command group level of the desired zone type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR–conf-zone-<zone-name># zone <new-zone-name>  
Where new-zone-name specifies a zone name string. An alphanumeric string  
should start with a letter, hold no spaces, and should be limited to a length of  
up to 63 characters. The string may contain underscores.  
2. Choose ENTER. Below is an example of the zone command implementation:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-scannet# zone mailserver copy-from-this  
Removing a Zone  
The user may remove a desired zone.  
Removing a zone eliminates its DDoS detection.  
To remove a desired zone perform the following:  
1. From the Configuration command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf# no zone <zone-name>  
Where zone-nameidentifies the zone name. Use ‘*’ to remove all zones.  
2. Choose ENTER.  
The Detector allows inserting an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character at the end of  
a zone name. Thus, a user may use the wildcard character (*) to remove several  
zones with the same prefix in one command.  
Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector User Guide  
Chapter 4 Zone Configuration  
Basic Zone Configuration  
Removing All Zones  
The user may remove all the Detector’s zones.  
Removing all zones eliminates their DDoS detection.  
To remove all zones perform the following:  
1. From the Configuration command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf# no zone *  
2. Choose ENTER.  
Displaying Zone Templates  
The Detector enables the user to display a specific zone template or all zone  
To display all zone templates perform the following:  
1. From the Configuration command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf# show templates  
2. Choose ENTER. The following (sample) screen appears:  
admin@DETECTOR# show templates  
To display a specific zone template perform the following:  
1. From the Configuration command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf# show templates [<template-name> [policies]]  
Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector User Guide  
Chapter 4 Zone Configuration  
Basic Zone Configuration  
template-name—A zone template. Options include:  
Default —The Guard default zone template  
LINK_128K—A template designed for bandwidth-limited Links  
LINK_1M—A template designed for bandwidth-limited Links  
LINK_4M—A template designed for bandwidth-limited Links  
LINK_512K— A template designed for bandwidth-limited Links  
If no template name is specified, the list of zone templates is  
2. Choose ENTER. The following sample screen appears:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf# show templates DEFAULT  
Zone is INACTIVE  
Operation Mode: AUTOMATIC  
Zone ID: 0  
Template: DEFAULT  
PROTECT IP STATE: all-zone  
Entering a Zone Command Level  
The user should enter a zone command level to perform zone specific operations  
and procedures.  
To enter a zone command level perform the following:  
1. From the Configuration command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf# zone <zone-name>  
Or alternatively:  
From the Global command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR# configure <zone-name>  
Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector User Guide  
Chapter 4 Zone Configuration  
Basic Zone Configuration  
Where zone-namespecifies the desired zone name.  
2. Choose ENTER. Below is an example of the zone command implementation:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf# zone scannet  
Describing a Zone  
The user may add a description to a zone for identification purposes.  
To add a description to a zone perform the following:  
1. From the Zone command level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-<zone-name># description <string>  
Where stringspecifies a string that describes the zone. The string length is  
limited to a maximum of 80 characters.  
2. Choose ENTER. Below is an example of the description command  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-scannet# description Scannet Zone used  
for demonstration purposes  
To modify a zone’s description repeat the zone description procedure. The new  
description overrides the former.  
Defining the Zone IP Address  
The user must define a zone IP address to enable the Detector to perform traffic  
learning and detection procedures.  
To define the zone IP address perform the following:  
1. From the Zone command level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-<zone-name># ip address <ip-addr>  
ip-addr—The zone IP address.  
Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector User Guide  
Chapter 4 Zone Configuration  
Basic Zone Configuration  
ip-mask—(Optional) The zone IP subnet mask.  
If no mask is specified, the Detector assumes the default subnet  
2. Choose ENTER. Below is an example of the ip address command  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-scannet# ip address  
When initially defined, the zone IP address should be inserted when the zone is  
undetected. However, a zone’s subnet IP address or its additional IP addresses  
may be added when the zone is in the detected mode.  
The zone IP address procedure should repeat per each zone IP address or subnet  
Removing a Zone IP Address  
The user may remove a zone IP address.  
Removing a zone’s IP address may compromise the zone’s DDoS detection.  
To remove a zone’s IP address perform the following:  
1. From the desired Zone command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-<zone-name># no ip address <ip-addr>  
ip-addr—The zone IP address. Use ‘*’ to remove all zone IP addresses.  
ip-mask—(Optional) The zone IP subnet mask.  
Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector User Guide  
Chapter 4 Zone Configuration  
Zone Remote Guard List  
If no mask is specified, the Detector assumes the default subnet  
2. Choose ENTER. Below is an example of the no ip address command  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-scannet# no ip address  
Removing all Zone IP Addresses  
The user may remove all the zone IP addresses.  
Removing all zone IP addresses eliminates the zone DDoS detection.  
To remove all the zone’s IP addresses perform the following:  
1. From the desired Zone command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-<zone-name># no ip address *  
2. Choose ENTER.  
Zone Remote Guard List  
The Detector has a list containing a Guard (or Guards) to remotely activate when  
a traffic abnormality is detected. The zone remote Guard list is part of the zone  
configuration. When the Detector detects a traffic abnormality it first consults the  
zone remote Guard list for alerting (provided the Detector is configured for  
If the Detector does not find a Guard on the list it refers to the remote Guard (or  
Guards) on the Detector default list (see the “Default Remote Guard List” section  
in Chapter 3, “Detector Configuration” for further details).  
Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector User Guide  
Chapter 4 Zone Configuration  
Zone Remote Guard List  
This section contains the following procedures:  
Adding a Guard to the Zone Remote Guard List  
The user may add one or more Guards to the zone remote Guard list.  
To add a remote Guard or Guards to the zone remote Guard list perform the  
1. From the Zone command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-<zone-name># remote-guard  
<remote-guard-address> [<description>]  
remote-guard-address—The desired remote Guard IP address.  
description—(Optional) The remote Guard description (a maximum of  
63 characters).  
2. Choose ENTER.  
3. Repeat steps one and two as many times as required.  
Below is an example of the remote-guard command implementation:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-scannet# remote-guard  
Removing a Guard from the Zone Remote Guard List  
The user may remove a Guard from the remote Guard list.  
To remove a Guard from the remote Guard list perform the following:  
1. From the Zone command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-<zone-name># no remote-guard  
Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector User Guide  
Chapter 4 Zone Configuration  
Zone Remote Guard List  
Where remote-guard-addressspecifies the remote Guard IP address. Use ‘*’  
to remove all remote Guards from the remote Guard list.  
The user should verify that the Detector has at least one remote Guard on its  
default remote Guard list (see the “Default Remote Guard List” section in  
Chapter 3, “Detector Configuration” for further details).  
2. Choose ENTER.  
3. Repeat steps one and two as many times as required.  
Below is an example of the no remote-guard command implementation:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-scannet# no remote-guard  
Interactive Recommendations Mode  
In the Interactive Recommendation mode the Detector enables the user to decide  
on the activation of the filters the policies launch (see the “Interactive  
Recommendations Mode” section in Chapter 6, “Filter Procedures”for details).  
The Detector functions in accordance with the user’s decision to accept, ignore,  
or time the filter’s activation. In this way the Detector lets the user decide on the  
production of its detection measures in real time.  
Activating the Interactive Recommendation Mode  
The user may activate the interactive recommendations mode for any desired zone  
and continue to apply the procedure over a number of zones. The user may  
activate the interactive mode when a zone is defined, or later, either before or after  
initiating zone detection. The Detector enables the user to apply the interactive  
recommendations mode from the Configuration or from the desired zone’s  
command group levels.  
To activate the interactive recommendation mode perform the following:  
1. From the Zone command group level type the following (sample):  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-<zone-name># interactive  
2. Choose ENTER.  
Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector User Guide  
Chapter 4 Zone Configuration  
Zone Traffic Learning  
To create a new zone with interactive recommendations mode perform the  
1. From the Configuration command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf# zone <new-zone-name> interactive  
2. Choose ENTER.  
The new zone is created with a DEFAULT zone template configured for  
interactive recommendations mode. See the “Defining a New Zone” section for  
further details.  
Deactivating the Interactive Recommendation Mode  
The user may deactivate the interactive recommendations mode for any desired  
zone or zones at any time. Deactivating this mode results in the Detector  
disregarding any recommendations and assuming an automatic detection  
functioning such as automatically producing dynamic filters, etc. The user may  
deactivate the interactive recommendations mode from the desired zone’s  
command group level.  
To deactivate the interactive recommendation mode perform the following:  
1. Type the following (sample):  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-<zone-name># no interactive  
2. Choose ENTER.  
Zone Traffic Learning  
As the user initializes the Learning phase (see the “Learning Phase 1 – Policy  
Construction” section in this chapter), the Detector learns the zone’s (zones’)  
traffic characteristics. The results of this stage will be translated into detection  
policies. The Learning system constructs the Detector detection policies that  
instruct the Detector detection system as for how to regard the zone traffic flows.  
For the learning phases to take place port mirroring must be configured on the  
switch or the Detector must be connected to a router using an optical splitter.  
Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector User Guide  
Chapter 4 Zone Configuration  
Zone Traffic Learning  
The Detector’s tools for constructing detection policies are the Policy Templates.  
These define the policies according to the Minimum Threshold and Maximum  
Services parameters the user provides (this chapter will not cover those advanced  
procedures see Chapter 7, “Policy Procedures” for further details).  
Once supplied with the appropriate parameters, the Detector’s Policy Templates  
construct the detection policies based on the zone traffic and tune the constructed  
policies based on the learned thresholds. The user is called to approve (accept) or  
reject each one of the learning phases. The learning is performed for each of the  
Detector zones (if applicable).  
The Learning phase consists of the following:  
Learning Phase 1–Policy Construction—This is the phase in which the  
Detector constructs its policies with its user-defined or self-configured Policy  
Templates. This phase consists of traffic flowing transparently through the  
Detector, enabling it to discover which services are used by the zone. This  
chapter will detail a procedure based on the Detector’s Minimum Threshold  
and Maximum Services default parameters (see Chapter 7, “Policy  
Procedures” for further details).  
Learning Phase 2 –Threshold Tuning—This is the phase in which the  
Detector tunes its detection policies thresholds to closely adapt to zone traffic  
(see Chapter 7, “Policy Procedures” for further details).  
Learning Phase 1 – Policy Construction  
The user is directed through the Detector Learning phases without parameter  
definitions. For the Learning phases’ parameter definitions refer to Chapter 7,  
“Policy Procedures”.  
To begin the first Learning phase perform the following:  
1. From the Global command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR# learning policy-construction <zone-name>  
Or alternatively:  
From the zone command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-<zone-name># learning policy-construction  
Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector User Guide  
Chapter 4 Zone Configuration  
Zone Traffic Learning  
Where zone-namespecifies a zone name.  
Note that the Guard enables the use of an asterisk (*) as a wildcard denoting  
either of the following options:  
All of the Guard’s zones. Issuing learning policy-construction* means  
setting the policy construction phase for all of the Detector’s zones.  
A wildcard denoting zone names (i.e. OBL*).  
2. Choose ENTER.  
Cisco recommends letting the Learning Phase 1 - Policy Construction continue  
for at least two hours prior to proceeding to the next phase.  
Policy Construction cannot be performed for zones based on the  
bandwidth-limited link templates: LINK_128K, LINK_1M, LINK_4M,  
Terminating Learning Phase 1 –Policy Construction  
After a sufficient period of time (see the above note) the user ends the Policy  
Construction phase. The user may accept the Detector’s suggested policies.  
The user may decide to abort the first phase of the Learning process. In this case,  
the Detector stops the process and erases all its learned data. As a result, the  
Detector falls back into its default settings (in the case of a new zone) or to the  
zone traffic configurations it had prior to the initiation of the learning process.  
The user may decide to view the learning process outcomes prior to making a  
decision. See the “Zone and Learning Phase Snapshot” section in Chapter 7,  
“Policy Procedures” for further details.  
Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector User Guide  
Chapter 4 Zone Configuration  
Zone Traffic Learning  
Accepting Learning Phase 1 – Policy Construction  
The user may accept the Detector’s suggested policies.  
To accept the results of the initial Policy Construction phase perform the  
1. From the Global command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR# no learning <zone-name> accept  
Or alternatively:  
From the Zone command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-<zone-name># no learning accept  
Where zone-namespecifies a zone name.  
Note that the Detector enables the use of an asterisk (*) as a wildcard  
denoting either of the following options:  
All of the Detector’s zones. Issuing no learning* accept means ending  
and accepting the learning results for all of the Detector’s zones.  
A wildcard denoting zone names (i.e. OBL*).  
2. Choose ENTER.  
Aborting Learning Phase 1 – Policy Construction  
The user may decide to abort the first phase of the Learning procedure. In this case  
the Detector stops the process, erases all its learned data, and reverts back its  
default settings (in the case of a new-zone) to the zone traffic configurations it had  
prior to the aborted Learning phase.  
To abort the Policy Construction phase perform the following:  
1. From the Global command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR# no learning <zone-name> reject  
Or alternatively:  
From the Zone command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-<zone-name># no learning reject  
Where zone-namespecifies a zone name.  
Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector User Guide  
Chapter 4 Zone Configuration  
Zone Traffic Learning  
Note that the Detector enables the use of an asterisk (*) as a wildcard  
denoting either of the following options:  
All of the Detector’s zones. Issuing no learning* reject means aborting  
the learning phase for all of the Detector’s zones.  
A wildcard denoting zone names (i.e. OBL*).  
2. Choose ENTER.  
Learning Phase 2 – Threshold Tuning  
During this stage the Detector constructs its detection policies and begins to tune  
its traffic type thresholds (see Chapter 7, “Policy Procedures” for further details).  
To begin the second Learning phase perform the following:  
1. From the Global command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR# learning threshold-tuning <zone-name>  
Or alternatively:  
From the zone command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-<zone-name># learning threshold-tuning  
Where zone-namespecifies a zone name.  
Note that the Detector enables the use of an asterisk (*) as a wildcard  
denoting either of the following options:  
All of the Detector’s zones. Issuing learning threshold-tuning* means  
setting the threshold tuning phase for all of the Detector’s zones.  
A wildcard denoting zone names (i.e. OBL*).  
2. Choose ENTER.  
Cisco Systems recommends letting the Learning Phase 2 - Threshold Tuning  
continue for 24 hours before concluding.  
Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector User Guide  
Chapter 4 Zone Configuration  
Zone Traffic Learning  
Terminating Learning Phase 2 – Threshold Tuning  
After a sufficient period of time (see the above note) the user ends the Threshold  
Tuning phase. The user may accept the Detector’s suggested policies or decide to  
abort the second phase of the learning process. The Detector would stop the  
Threshold Tuning phase and adopt the Policy Construction Phase results and the  
former thresholds results the Detector has. This results in a situation in which  
newly constructed policies have thresholds that were obtained according to past  
traffic characteristics.  
The user may decide to view the learning process outcomes prior to making a  
decision. See the “Zone and Learning Phase Snapshot” section in Chapter 7,  
“Policy Procedures” for further details.  
Accepting Learning Phase 2 – Threshold Tuning  
The user may accept the Detector’s suggested thresholds.  
To accept the results of the Threshold Tuning phase perform the following:  
1. From the Global command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR# no learning <zone-name> accept  
Or alternatively:  
From the Zone command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-<zone-name># no learning accept  
Where zone-namespecifies a zone name.  
Note that the Detector enables the use of an asterisk (*) as a wildcard  
denoting either of the following options:  
All of the Detector’s zones. Issuing no learning* accept means ending  
and accepting the learning results for all of the Detector’s zones.  
A wildcard denoting zone names (i.e. OBL*).  
2. Choose ENTER.  
The Detector is now tuned to the zone traffic characteristics and ready to detect  
the zone (a procedure launched by issuing the detect command).  
Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector User Guide  
Chapter 4 Zone Configuration  
Zone Traffic Learning  
Aborting Learning Phase 2 – Tuning Threshold  
The user may wish to abort the second phase of learning procedure. In this case  
the Detector stops the process and erases the data learned on the second phase.  
The data gathered on the first learning phase and on the previous learning phase  
2 remain unchanged. This results in a situation in which newly constructed  
policies have thresholds that were obtained according to past traffic  
To abort the second Learning phase perform the following:  
1. From the Global command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR# no learning <zone-name> reject  
Or alternatively:  
From the Global command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-<zone-name># no learning reject  
Where zone-namespecifies a zone name.  
Note that the Detector enables the use of an asterisk (*) as a wildcard  
denoting either of the following options:  
All of the Detector’s zones. Issuing no learning* reject means aborting  
the learning phase for all of the Detector’s zones.  
A wildcard denoting zone names (i.e. OBL*).  
2. Choose ENTER.  
Learning Phase Verification  
The user may wish to verify whether the Detector has undergone its learning  
phase (with its detection policies functioning properly) has succeeded. The  
indication would be a display of the policies functioning properly.  
The user launches the detect command see the “Zone Detection” section for  
further details.  
To verify the status of the learning phase perform the following:  
1. From the Zone command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-<zone-name># show policy statistics  
Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector User Guide  
Chapter 4 Zone Configuration  
Zone Detection  
2. Choose ENTER. The following (partial sample) screen appears:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-scannet# show policies statistics  
80 1.44  
Connections Policy  
The sample screen displays that the detector policies are receiving traffic and  
functioning properly.  
Zone Detection  
After learning the zone traffic characteristics the Detector is ready for zone  
detection. The user may wish to command the Detector to detect right after  
completing the zone configurations. The Detector would then begin applying its  
detection policies.  
To detect the zone perform the following:  
1. From the Global command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR# detect <zone-name>  
Or alternatively:  
From the Zone command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-<zone-name># detect  
Where zone-namespecifies a zone name.  
Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector User Guide  
Chapter 4 Zone Configuration  
Zone Detection  
Note that the Detector enables the use of an asterisk (*) as a wildcard  
denoting either of the following options:  
All of the Detector’s zones. Issuing detect * means beginning detection  
for all of the Detector’s zones.  
A wildcard denoting zone names (i.e. OBL*).  
2. Choose ENTER.  
Guard-Protection Activation Forms  
The Detector enables the user to apply different Guard-protection forms designed  
to save Guard-protection resources and better focus on the zone detection and  
protection requirements. Those protection forms range from assuming protection  
over a particular zone (i.e. a specific server) that is a part of an overall zone (i.e.  
a protected network environment) to assuming protection over all of the zones of  
the overall zone. The Detector’s Guard-protection activation forms are the  
Τhe Detector activates the Guard to assume protection over the overall zone  
whenever a traffic abnormality is detected. This strategy is recommended  
when the overall zone consists of intra-related zones that cannot be risked.  
Τhe Detector activates the Guard protection over a particular zone once a  
traffic abnormality is traced as destined to that particular zone. This is  
recommended when the overall zone consists of unrelated particular zones.  
This is since the user may want to assume protection per an attacked zone and  
not spend valuable protection resources over the overall zone.  
Τhe Detector activates the Guard protection over a specific zone once a traffic  
abnormality is traced as destined to that specific zone. The Detector would  
also activate the Guard protection over the overall zone once the detected  
abnormality cannot be associated with a particular zone. This strategy is  
recommended when the overall zone consists of highly related particular  
zones. This is since the user may want to avoid a situation in which a targeted  
zone may inflict damage on the overall zone.  
To activate the Guard-protection forms perform the following:  
1. From the following sample Zone command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-<zone-name># protect-ip-state {all-zone |  
only-dest-ip | policy-type}  
Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector User Guide  
Chapter 4 Zone Configuration  
Zone Detection  
all-zone—The Detector activates the Guard to assume protection over  
the overall zone whenever a traffic abnormality is detected (see this  
section’s explanation for further details).  
only-dest-ip—The Detector activates the Guard protection over a  
particular zone once a traffic abnormality can be traced as destined to that  
particular zone (see this section’s explanation for further details).  
policy-type—The Detector activates the Guard protection over a  
particular zone once a traffic abnormality can be traced as destined to that  
particular zone (see this section’s explanation for further details).  
2. Choose ENTER.  
Zone Detection Verification  
The user may wish now to issue the show counters command to display the zone  
status to verify that the detection process is functioning properly.  
To verify that the zone detection is functioning properly perform the following:  
1. From the Zone command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-<zone-name># show counters [history]  
Where historydisplays the Received counter values for every minute in the  
past hour. The counter is measured in packets and in Kbits.  
By default, only the current counter is displayed.  
2. Choose ENTER. The following (sample) screen appears:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-scannet# show counters history  
Oct 23 2003 00:57:53 148744  
Oct 23 2003 00:56:53 148744  
Oct 23 2003 00:55:54 148744  
... ... ...  
Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector User Guide  
Chapter 4 Zone Configuration  
Zone Detection  
The sample screen indicates that zone traffic is mirrored (or split), the Detector  
receives the zone’s traffic and the traffic shows normal flow fluctuations. Zone  
detection is functioning properly.  
Ending the Zone Detection  
The user may wish to end the zone detection.  
To end a zone’s protection, from the Global command group level type the  
admin@DETECTOR# no detect <zone-name>  
Or alternatively:  
From the Zone command group level type the following:  
admin@DETECTOR-conf-zone-<zone-name># no detect  
Where zone-namespecifies a zone name.  
Note that the Detector enables the use of an asterisk (*) as a wildcard denoting  
either of the following options:  
All of the Detector’s zones. Issuing no detect * means ending detection for  
all of the Detector’s zones.  
A wildcard denoting zone names (i.e. OBL*).  
To know more about the Detector filter system, filter types, and filter  
configuration refer to Chapter 6, “Filter Procedures” for further details.  
Cisco Traffic Anomaly Detector User Guide  

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